
News | Seminars


Marie Sklodowska Curie PhD position (Early Stage Researcher) for the development of novel algorithms, methods and software tools for the integration of information and knowledge coming from different sources to analyse single cell sequencing data.

Bando per 20 borse di studio (26.6K€, 18 mesi, scadenza 9 settembre 2013)
Training and reseach positions available
- September 2012 - December 2015

2011-06-27 Un nuovo farmaco per la malattia di Fabry (A.U.O. Federico II)
2011-06-26 Dalla bio-informatica un aiuto per la "Malattia di Fabry" (PrismaNews)
2011-06-24 Dalla bioinformatica un farmaco contro la malattia di Fabry (Le Scienze)
2011-06-23 La bioinformatica in aiuto alla malattia di Fabry (Reset Italia)
2011-06-23 La bioinformatica in aiuto alla malattia di Fabry (Padova News)
2011-06-23 La bioinformatica in aiuto alla malattia di Fabry (Sanitalia)
2011-06-20 Neapolio universiteto profesoriaus viešnagė mūsų fakultete
2011-06-17 Dr. Mario Guarracino (National Research Council of Italy) vizitas LEI
2011-08-29 Workshop on Algorithms and Programming Tools for Next-Generation High Performance Scientific Software (HPSS 2011) - Bordeaux (FR), August 29, 2011
Conference on Business Modeling, Information Systems and Enterprise Optimization - Tirana, July 13 - 16, 2011
Parallel Data Mining Workshop - SIAM Int. Conf. on Data Mining - Mesa (Arizona), April 28 - 30, 2011

Soft Methods in Probability and Statistics 2010, 28 September - 1 October 2010, Mieres, Spain

Second International Workshop on Smart Homes for Tele-Health, 12-14 December 2009, Chengdu, China

Europar 2010, 31 August- 3 September 2010, Ischia, Italy (CFP Jan. 31 2010)

International Conference on Biomedical Data & Knowledge Mining: Towards Biomarker Discovery 7-9 July 2010 Chania, Greece (CFP Apr. 1, 2010)
--> Scuola SIS su Sequenze temporali ad alta frequenza: Analisi di dati funzionali – Data Stream Mining, 30 novembre – 3 dicembre 2009.
2009.10.14 Bando di concorso per il conferimento di n. 12 borse di studio per l’ammissione al Corso di Formazione di Specialisti nei settori della genomica e bioinformatica (Scade: 14 Ottobre 2009).

2009.11.10 Corso di Bioinformatica per la Proteomica: basi teoriche ed applicazioni, ISA-CNR (AV), 10-13 novembre 2009 Istituto di Scienze dell'Alimentazione, CNR, Avellino

2009.01.12 ICT Department projects of the National Research Council of Italy 2008 is now available in italian.

2008-12-13 11:10 (ANSA) - ROMA, 13 DIC - La Gazzetta Ufficiale n. 290 del 12 dicembre pubblica oggi: DECRETO 7 novembre 2008. Modifica del decreto 30 novembre 2006, relativo all'ammissione al finanziamento del progetto di ricerca e formazione rif. DM23492 ''Laboratorio pubblicoprivato per lo sviluppo di strumenti bioinformatici integrati per la genomica, la trascrittomica e la proteomica (Lab. GTP)''. (Prot. 1176/Rig).

On November 1st, 2008 Influweb, an innovative surveillance system for influenza-like illness (ILI) in Italy, based on the cooperative participation of the population, has been launched.
SFC-CLADAG: Joint meeting of the Société Francophone de Classification and the Classification and Data Analysis Group of the Italian Society of Statistics.
Bioinformatics mailing list subscription form now available.
Methods and tools for the analysis of microarray data: slides updated.
8-11 July 2008 CIT2008 IEEE 8th International Conference on Computer and Information Technology University of Technology, Sydney, Australia: call far papers.
The 10th IEEE International Conference on High Performance Computing and Communications (HPCC-08) will be held in Dalian, China, September 25-27, 2008.

Bioinformatics mailing list subscription form now available.

Methods and tools for the analysis of microarray data: slides uploaded.

Hardware Architectures Beyond 2020: Challenges and Opportunities for Computational Biology and Bioinformatics: slides uploaded.

8-11 July 2008 CIT2008 IEEE 8th International Conference on Computer and Information Technology University of Technology, Sydney, Australia: call far papers (deadline Jan. 25th, 2008).

The 10th IEEE International Conference on High Performance Computing and Communications (HPCC-08) will be held in Dalian, China, September 25-27, 2008.

2008/12/10 Bioinformatica e Biologia Computazionale in Campania, Avellino.

2008/12/18 One Day Tutorial on Methods and tools for the analysis of microarray data.

2008/12/19 One Day Workshop on Hardware Architectures Beyond 2020: Challenges and Opportunities for Computational Biology and Bioinformatics.

8 July 2008 - 11 July 2008 CIT2008 IEEE 8th International Conference on Computer and Information Technology University of Technology, Sydney, Australia
call far papers is now avalilable.

2007/02/0715th Euromicro Conference on Parallel, Distributed and Network-Processing - PDP 2007, Naples. Program is now available.

2007/01/09 Mathematics and Medical Diagnosis, project kick-off meeting, Pisa.

2006/12/18 Bioinformatics and Computational Biology Workshop, Avellino.

  1. 2009.03.11 Andrea Pagnani: Estimating the solution space of Metabolic Networks (h. 14.30 @ ICAR) Download leaflet.
  2. 2006/06/15 Panos M. Pardalos
    Consistent Biclustering via Fractional 0–1 Programming (PDF poster, slides).
  3. 2006/05/30 Maria Luisa Chiusano
    Bioinformatics for Genome Analysis: the Italian Platform for the Tomato Genome Project
  4. Federica Vitale
    Il protein folding: una proposta di approccio statistico-computazionale.
  5. Claudio Cifarelli
    Introduzione ai metodi di classificazione per applicazioni di bioinformatica
    ReGEC: un algoritmo di classificazione basato sulla regolarizzazione di problemi agli autovalori