Invited Session on Intelligent Systems for Healthcare 2nd KES
International Symposium on 15-16 July 2009, Italy Aims and Scope Healthcare
encompasses a wide number of models, services and systems that are continuously
changing together with healthcare environments. The role of intelligent
systems, in this field, is not only to organize and handle the information
mining and distribution, but also to make human-computer interaction processes
simple and effective, in one word, usable. In accordance with their goal, IT
systems can be designed around the patient, rather than around the healthcare
practitioners, such as doctors, technicians, and nurses. In both cases, they
have to simplify the way users can visualize, edit and interact with medical
data. This invited session at KES-IIMSS 2009 provides a forum for researchers
and practitioners to present and discuss advances in the research and
development of usable intelligent systems and their application in this field.
Topics of Interests usable user interfaces for medical environments; usable healthcare devices and instruments; intelligent multimodal interactive systems; medical data visualization and analysis; knowledge-based virtual and augmented reality; collaborative and distributed health care; healthcare education systems; security practices in healthcare systems; ontologies for healthcare; intelligent data mining for healthcare; decision support systems for healthcare. Chairs Giuseppe De Pietro (ICAR-CNR, Italy) Luigi Gallo (ICAR-CNR - University of Naples ‘Parthenope’, Italy)
Instructions for Authors Papers must
be formatted according to the Springer instructions to be found Instructions are provided for
preparing the document using MS Word and LaTeX - you
may use either method. Papers should
not exceed 10 pages in Springer format. Papers longer than this will be subject
to an additional charge. Shorter papers will be acceptable if they adequately
convey the material to be described, and are not so short as to be trivial or
lacking in depth. Papers must
be uploaded onto the PROSE online submission and review system to be found Papers must be uploaded as a PDF document for
review. If accepted, a full set of publication files in MS Word or LaTeX must be provided. Important Dates Submission deadline: January 23th, 2009 Notification of acceptance: February 23th, 2009 Camera-ready copies due: April 23th, 2009 Publication Accepted
papers will be published by Springer Verlag, as book
chapters in a volume of their Engineering Series and indexed in ISI conference
publications, EI, INSPEC, etc. Authors of
outstanding papers presented at IIMSS-09 will be invited to submit extended
versions of their papers for a Special Edition of the Journal of Multimedia Tools and
Applications, published by Springer-Verlag. Contact. Luigi Gallo |