In Conjunction wih MOBIQUITOUS 2008
Meeting Management Services Provided by
Research Conference


Pervasive computing environments present specific peculiarities with respect toaspects like security and multimodality. As a matter of fact, the accessibility levelof a virtual environment can definitively be improved by natural interfaces andmultimodal interaction systems, which offer users the freedom to select from multiplemodes of interaction with services and permit to break down barriersabout human-computer interaction making communication intuitive andspontaneous. On the other hand, while enlarging and easing the ways to access to theenvironment, security threads arise and the environment must be properly equipped iorder to protect itself from malicious attacks and/or from wrongactions performed by inexpert users.SMPE-08 will be held in conjunction with Mobiquitous 2008, in Dublin, Ireland, July 2125, 2008.

Distinguished papers accepted and presented in SMPE-08, after further revisions, will be published in special issue on "Security and Multimodality in Pervasive Environments" of Wireless Personal Communications - Springer indexed by SCIE (confirmed).


SMPE08 Programme now available!


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